Sunday, April 23, 2017

2017 French Presidential Election LIVE COVERAGE

Why You Should Boycott Ripoff Report, and Google Should Penalize and take Legal Actions Against Ripoff Report

The following article is very well written and professional. However it takes a long time to "get to the point".

People should boycott Ripoff Report, because the founder is an intelligent evil asshole with good lawyers. Ripoff Report is a legal scam in my opinion, and some people write false and defamatory reports on Ripoff report. However if someone writes a fake and defamatory report about your business and you want Ripoff Report to remove it, you will be fighting for years and paying lawyers a lot of money.

I wish Google would penalize and de-index the entire website and the Google legal department would go after Ripoff report and teach them some expensive lessons. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

Why Does this Man Film the Inside of America's Dead Shopping Malls?

This is a funny, interesting and yet strange video all at the same time.

Because it is about an odd topic, yet it gives us important insights into culture, history, business and how people behave and cherish their childhood memories of hanging out at the shopping mall.
If you watch the entire video then the ending is very good. My question is why do so many people watch and like this strange yet very funny and interesting video?

Viewer Comments About This Video Below
From: Jane M.
I think everyone wants to feel like they're making a difference and doing something worthwhile, but we forget this as we move through the motions of everyday life.  I think seeing a video that brings back memories of an earlier time (especially when it's a little sad) just seems to remind people of their dreams and hopes and this stirs all sorts of emotions in them.  I always feel that people will be so sad when long time forgotten "ways" that are considered old-fashioned and irrelevant come to an end.  I think the artist validated all of these emotions for himself and everyone who watched and commented.  That's very moving and emotional too.  It's like when everyone comes together with outrage over something (like the guy on the United flight for example), it brings us together for a moment and that's a very good thing.  Anyway, those are my first impressions about it all....

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Retired US General Jack Keane Discussing US Secretary of State Tillerson’s meeting with Russian President Putin

Why Do People Believe they are Right, Even When the Evidence Proves They are Totally Wrong? This is Exactly What Happens When Google Unfairly Penalizes SEO Experts.

Throughout history people have believed they are correct when they are totally incorrect. This is why hundreds of people have been taken off of death row, e.g. when DNA evidence proves they are innocent.  Tragically there still are many people on death row that are innocent and our criminal justice system has failed to release these people and compensate them for their horrible incorrect conviction.
The big question is why and how can this happen in the first place?

This video answers that question and also shows why the smart people at Google incorrectly and unfairly penalize innocent websites. Yes this even applies to Google.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Horrible Opioid Problem in America. How will Trump fix America's middle class opioid addiction

This video from ABC News Australia does an excellent job of explaining the huge opioid problem in America. I have seen it first hand as I have many young 25-years working for my company. Unfortunately several of them became hooked on heroin and it ruined their lives. They lost their jobs and started a life of stealing and crime to pay for their drugs. They even took expensive computers from my office and sold them to buy heroin. This all happened about 5-years ago, however the opioid problem in the USA is even worse today.

Why does ABC News in Australia not have a HD camera?

Sunday, April 09, 2017

USA Launches Airstrikes in Syria - USA President Trump says the Syria chemical attack "crossed many, many lines"

Breaking News
USA Launches Many Airstrikes in Syria

I my opinion the USA should have done what this man states in the video below 6-years ago. The USA should immediately establish a safe zone in Syria. As the old saying goes "better late than never".

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is going to Russia next week to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
I think this is a big problem for the Syrian President Assad. Russian President Putin has a high level of respect for Rex Tillerson and Russia really just cares about having a port on the Mediterranean Sea.
I think it paints a very negative image in the world for Russia if they continue to support Assad the evil baby killer
Frankly when I see these horrible and tragic pictures it makes me wish I could personally torture Assad and then kill him. He is lucky someone like me is not President of the USA as I would be 900% tougher on Assad then President Trump is. Please look at the pictures of all the innocent babies he has killed. Assad must be stopped and removed from being the President of Syria.

Friday, April 07, 2017

The Scrapping Of Internet Privacy: Something We Can All Hate Together - Why did this happen?

Alec Baldwin interview about his new book, past addiction problems , playing President Trump

What is the Future for Google Fiber? Is Google Expanding or Shrinking their Fiber Service?

I tested Google Fiber several years ago when it first arrived in Kansas City. Now if you watch the video below some people in Kansas City are being terminated by Google Fiber with no reason given.
While others say Google Fiber is still adding more cities, I am not sure about that. I also have an interesting video with a tour inside a Google Data Center below.